

Let me introduce Melinda, the second follower of my site. Who, when told me she has followed my blog, I couldn't see amongst my followers. Fortunately, I have a lie detector, and it proved to be the truth… well at least after her name appeared in the follower-section.

Those of you who follow my 365IP from the beginning could have seen her in a November dailydrawing as one of the people I skype with. As it appears in that drawing as well, we're not living in the same country. She is from Transylvania (it's a part of Romania which used to be part of Hungary in fact, so a lot of Hungarians live there), and now she's living in the UK. I've met her two years ago at Speak Out english camp, when we were both on staff. We became friends and – though it's not easy to keep in touch – our friendship remained ever since.

If you got to know only one thing about her, it must be her big smile. Seriously, this girl is always smiling! Like seriously, 24/7 (OK, I'm not exaggerating, and it's not a thing I write about every follower, pinkie pie swear!) And it's not just a little smile, like a modest Mona Lisa-style, no, it's a big, ear-to-ear smile! She told me once that even as a one-year-old she did not cry, but always laughed instead. There's only one case written in the family cronicle, when she cryed. She was brought to the hospital immediately.
Hungarian translation:
– Szóval azt állítod followoltál.
– Igen.

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