
Mugs and phonecases with free shipping

Have you ever wondered how great it would be if these drawings here would be available on mugs or iphonecases (I don't even know what that is, nevermind)? I know, I know, I think about that all the time too. But fear not! Because from now on
I have my own (well not really but close enough) online store!  Where you can find some of my drawings as mugs, phonecases or some of them even as laptop skins or wall clocks! I know, amazing. Just look at that!

Okay, more seriously I'm not even sure if I'll ever sell anything there, but just in case anyone was interested, I figured, I shall provide an opportunity. Right now there are twelve of my drawings available (mainly seasonal) on my store, but there will be more in the future (requests are very welcome!). I know some of them would make excellent T-shirts, throw pillows or tote bags too, but unfortunately my drawings are too small for that.

Oh yes, the prizes. I made them as cheap as I could – the basic prizes are high enough – but the good news is, right now shipping is free  worldwide and there is a discount as well until November 9th  but only for those who click on this link.

So if you want something one of a kind that only you possess (and all those others who decide to buy them) or if you want to give something unique for Christmas, this is the best time to aquire it! :)

Hungarian – in a nutshell
Arra az esetre, ha bárkit érdekelne az ilyesmi – saját részre vagy ajándékba (itt a karácsony! :) –, készítettem egy „online boltot”, ahol – egyelőre, további javaslatok jöhetnek – nyolc rajzom elérhető különböző termékek formájában (bögre, iphone tok, falióra, kép, stb – sajnos pólókhoz és szatyrokhoz túl kicsik a rajzaim).
Igyekeztem olcsó árakat belőni, de sajnos az alap árukba nem sok beleszólásom van. Viszont a jó hír: november 9-éig ingyenes a házhoz szállítás bárhová a világon és kedvezmény is van de csak erre a linkre kattintva.

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