
Goodbye subscription – hello fanpage!

I really didn't feel like making a fanpage for Entrusted Property since I always believed you should not create a Facebook page unless a) you're expecting more than 100 likes on it, or b) you're an exhibitionist. But time came that I couldn't possibly postpone severing (like very, very strictly. I'm serious.) everyday life and my blog.

This site – while being mainly an illustration blog – has always functioned as sort of a visual diary. Now there are things I want to share with my friends (real friends, not what Facebook calls my ‘friends’*) or with complete strangers (AKA ‘Subscribers’) who are for any reason interested in my daily sketches – but definitely not with all of my Facebook ‘friends’. Yes I have examined the alternatives, but simply using privacy settings would exclude too many. Not using it would be worse.

Long story short: NOW you have a pretty, shiny, classy Facebook fanpage to like, you don't have to follow my lousy personal page trying to find my newest blog posts in the chaos of newspapers, korean drama soundtracks and my former school's awesome new courses.

So if you still want to get informed via Facebook about my newest posts, go ahead and click! (Also, like. That would make it a lot easier.)

No pressure though. I'm not gonna post blog links on my personal page anymore, but you still can just check out the blog for new entries, or there's always the good ol’ RSS.  

*By the way. Did you come here from Facebook? Bbbangg, your're in the VIP club! No, no need to get sentimental, really. Maybe a bit.

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