

Oookay, before you start to think about me as a crazy burglar who broke into the school only to do stuff she's not allowed in school time, I have to explain the situation. So it was a Saturday when at school the lessons were held according to mondays' schedule. So actually it was a day off for us who only have lessons on fridays and saturdays. But I – having a big school project to be done, and not having Adobe InDesign at home – decided to go to school and work on the project there. It is a good thing that the school is well equipped (for instance, I don't know what would I do without its scanner, to which you can thank the good quality of these drawings), and that students are allowed to use these stuff even if there is no teacher around. So. That's it. No crazy burglar. Really. Just a crazy Facebook-addict.

Hungarian Translation:
Az összes MAC géppel, szkennerrel meg mindenféle könyvekkel és miiindez most az enyéééém, nincs tanár, nincsenek más diákok, senki más, csak én és a 23-as gépterem!
Érted ez mit jelent? Bármit megtehetek!

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