
With or without text – the results of my poll

So my survey has ended with the following results:

Based on the votes of those 21 people who wanted to let me know their opinion at all, it seems, you are quite OK with the content of my blog. 5 people said it is fine the way it is now, and 10 people doesn't even care what do I draw as long as I draw something.

Now only two people said that they want the bears back, and that's not a significant crowd (even in a crowd of 21 people), especially considering that one of them was me voting in place of my cousin who told me in November that he loved the bears more. So I won't go back on drawing bears, but maybe I'll find a way to feature them more…

The thing I'm most interested in, is the question of “with or without letters”. 4 people said that they prefer drawings without text on them, which might be only 19%, but considering that it's almost the amount of people who said it's OK, I cannot ignore them. Besides, I was also thinking that maybe putting words on them might have reduced the quality of my illustrations. It is true, that in the beginning it was more about the drawings, the way I illustrate things, and by starting to add text to it, to put it in a context, I've slowly started to tend to focus on the content of the text, and pay less attention to the drawing part, especially to their quality. Another negative consequence is that – as a result of my lazyness – the texts I write on them are often ugly, also does not really fit to the drawing.

So as the result of the poll, the things I've decided to change are:

#1 I'll try to make illustrations without text as many times as possible
Writing text on drawings can make one lazy: not trying to express the thing by the drawing, but just writing it down.The lack of text will keep my mind exercised, having to find ways to express visually instead of just verbally.

#2 I'll work on the “typography” of my drawings (not a wrong idea from someone who calls herself a typofreak, eh?)
Besides making them nicer, I really want to work on the way I place text on the drawing. I want to integrate the text in it, so that it won't feel like it's just “accidentally” there.

#3 I'll think about a way to get some bears back into 365IP world. ;)

But as you know, I'm posting exactly one month old stuff, so you'll be able to see these changes only next month. So please don't think – seeing the drawings of April – that these were just empty promises.


  1. Anonymous13/5/12

    Remélem azt tudod, hogy abból a 4-ből, azt hiszem kb 2-3szor én voltam különböző gépekről... :D (És sose találod ki, hogy ki vagyok!)

  2. Hát de ha már ennyire fontosnak tartottad, kedves Eszti, hogy bebiztosítsd, hogy semmiképpen se legyenek feliratok a képeimen, hogy ezért képes voltál ilyen sokszor szavazni, akkor ezt bizony semmiképpen sem hagyhatom figyelmen kívül. :)

  3. Anonymous13/5/12

    Izé... kérdőív volt...amikor másik géphez ültem üres lett, és hát... MUSZÁJ volt kitöltenem.... (szakmai ártalom)
